What’s the Best Bedtime Snack? Find Your Favorite


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There are also snacks that respect your diet, are low on calories and they help you to sleep better.

Going to bed hungry can often result in poor sleep and an overwhelming urge to raid the fridge at midnight. Sometimes we do this by mistake, and other times it’s because of meaningless rules like “no eating after x o’clock” set forth by diet culture. First and foremost, I’m here to tell you that if you’re so hungry it’s impossible to sleep, then you should eat something, regardless of what time it is. If that time is right before bed, here are some ideas that can nourish you and help send you off to dreamland.

In general, bedtime snacks should be on the lighter side, and ideally consumed at least 30–60 minutes before hitting the hay to allow time for digestion and prevent acid reflux or heartburn. Combinations of carbohydrates and protein can be both filling and sleep-promoting depending on what you choose.

Carbohydrate-, Protein- And Tryptophan-rich Foods

Certain proteins contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid that helps produce serotonin and melatonin in the body, which both play an important role in sleep. Carbohydrates help make tryptophan more available to the brain, which is why the carb/protein combination can help you get quality shut-eye.


Greek yogurt is a good source of tryptophan — and berries add a sweet and carbohydrate-containing twist. The high-protein content also aids in satiety to quell your hunger. Although Greek yogurt may be slightly acidic, it is not a common cause of acid reflux. In fact, there is preliminary research suggesting its probiotic content may help prevent acid reflux.


Peanut butter boasts a decent amount of tryptophan and, combined with banana for some carbs, is the ultimate sleep-inducing snack.


Cheese is the tryptophan star here, and the complex carbohydrates from the crackers help the body produce those sleep-promoting hormones and neurotransmitters.


This is a nice option if you’re craving something warm and comforting before bed, with the added boost of the perfect tryptophan/carbohydrate combination.


Turkey may be the most well-known source of tryptophan (putting you into that food coma on Thanksgiving), but it can also be consumed as a useful and nourishing bedtime snack in sandwich form.

Melatonin-containing Foods

Some foods are also direct sources of melatonin, and consuming them before bed may also be helpful to boost the body’s own production of the hormone.


The fruit (and its juice) are a common and trendy natural source of melatonin. In fact, some small studies have shown drinking around 8 ounces of tart cherry juice regularly at night can help improve sleep.


Nuts (like walnuts and almonds) and seeds (such as sunflower) are also good sources of melatonin.


Other fruits and vegetables contain smaller amounts of melatonin, such as strawberries, grapes, tomatoes and peppers.

Possible bedtime snack ideas that give you the most restful bang for your buck are plentiful. The best way to figure out what works for you requires some experimentation. For example, try a combination of 8 ounces of tart cherry juice with a handful of walnuts or grapes with a handful of almonds. The next time your stomach grumbles after dinner, honor that hunger with some of these combinations for a better night’s sleep.

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