Anti-Aging Foods for Longer Life Expectancy

These anti-aging foods will help you eat your way to a longer life expectancy. Add these delicious foods into your daily diet and you will be decreasing your risk for illnesses...

Why You’re Tired All the Time

Adjusting your sleep schedule to spend more time in bed could ease symptoms of fatigue such as headaches, moodiness, aching muscles and dizzines ....

How to Crush Your Resolution in 2020

The new year is almost here, and you have big goals to accomplish! Whether your resolution is getting in shape, reading more or using...

Tips to Avoid Stress Eating

Reaching for food to calm down is an all-too-common coping mechanism, whether you’re dealing with a demanding job, strife at home or other stressors....

Foods That Contain Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are beneficial for your health if you consume them properly. Probiotics — which are usually beneficial bacteria — have...

Working Out From Home – How to Get Started

During these times in which you have to take social distancing into consideration, working out in a gym is almost impossible, so you need...

Skiing and the Mental Health Benefits

Making tracks through fresh powder is more than just a great workout. Did you know skiing burns at least 400 calories per hour? ...

Does Burnout Cause Weight Gain?

A demanding workload at your job or school can increase your stress level — and your waistline. Here’s what you can do about it....